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Pretoria National Botanical Gardens

Botanical Gardens.jpeg

Venue Description

This 76 ha urban oasis is a pristine getaway situated in the eastern suburbs of South Africa’s administrative capital, Pretoria.


A paved nature trail gives access to the fascinating natural vegetation on the ridge, which boasts a diversity of indigenous fauna and flora.


Fifty hectares of the total area is devoted to developed garden, using almost exclusively South African plants. All the flowering plant species to be seen, including 50% of the country’s tree species, make this garden a botanical tapestry. Visitors are offered a glimpse of different biomes such as savanna and forest biomes. Different theme gardens are continuously being developed.

Sneak Peek

Trail Ratings

The following trail distances are available at this venue:


2km ~ TBD

5km ~ TBD

10km ~ TBD

Service available at the venue


Toilet facilities



Kids friendly

Headlamps / torches are compulsory for this venue

Directions to the Venue

Address:  2 Cussonia Street, Brummeria, Pretoria

GPS Co-ordinates:  25°44'21.3"S 28°16'25.0"E


Park in the parking area.

When you get the gate indicate that you are coming to the race.

You are not required to pay an entrance fee.

Walk along the path way until you get to the Lapa.

The starting point will be from there.

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